PETITION to the President (Presiding) Judge of Butler County Pennsylvania


Whereas:The assassination attempt on July 13, 2024, in Butler County resulted in the murder of Corey Comperatore, and serious injuries to David Dutch and James Copenhaver. Federal agencies investigating federal agencies present possible conflicts of interest, and eyewitnesses with actual evidence may fear sharing with federal agencies due to the agencies’ possible perceived corruption, as seen in recent Congressional hearings. Butler County and PA State law enforcement have been called into question. The full truth needs to be disclosed to vindicate those wrongfully accused.
Therefore,Therefore, we the undersigned, petition the President Judge, the Honorable S. Michael Yeager of Butler County, Pennsylvania to summon and impanel (Pa. Title 42, Ch. 45, sect 4543(c) an investigative County Grand Jury to provide an independent review of the events leading up to the shootings on July 13, 2024. The County Grand Jury report will provide an independent investigation, review, and report without regard to political ideology or belief, unburdened by persuasion or influence by any Federal, State, or Local agency.


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Notes: This is NOT A POLITICAL STATEMENT. It is a 1st Amendment petition for a Grand Jury investigation. Thus, elected officials can sign this. Petitioning for a Grand Jury to be impaneled is different, thus people from outside Butler County can sign this.


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